
小宮山 宏Hiroshi Komiyama
Chairman, General Incorporated Association Platinum Concept Network
Chairman, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
28th President of the University of Tokyo
Graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 1967. Completed the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 1972. In 1988, he became a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo. After serving as the Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering and the Faculty of Engineering in 2000, he was appointed the 28th President of the University of Tokyo in April 2005. After retiring as President in March 2009, he became the Chairman of Mitsubishi Research Institute in April 2009. In August 2010, he established the "Platinum Concept Network" to promote innovation for creating a sustainable and hopeful future society, focusing on improving the quality of life and society. He became its chairman, and it was incorporated as a General Incorporated Foundation in 2022.
His expertise lies in chemical systems engineering, global environmental engineering, and the structuring of knowledge. He is also a leading expert on global warming issues. He has written many books, including "Technology for Global Sustainability" (Iwanami Shinho), "Japan: A Country at the Forefront of Challenges" (Chuo Koron Shinsha), and "Japan: 'Re-Creation'" (Toyo Keizai Shinposha), with versions in English and Chinese available. He has received numerous awards both domestically and internationally, including the 2020 Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star, the 2017 Dubai Knowledge Award, the 2016 Special Award of the Keizai Award, the 2016 Maritime Nation Promotion Award, and the 2007 Italian Order of Solidarity Star.

岡本 保Tamotsu Okamoto
Senior Advisor, General Incorporated Foundation Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)
Former Vice Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
He joined the Ministry of Home Affairs in 1974. He served as Director-General of the Local Public Finance Bureau at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2006, Director-General of the Local Administration Bureau in 2007, Commissioner of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency in 2008, Senior Vice Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications (in charge of Local Administration) in 2009, and Vice Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2010 before retiring in 2012.
In 2013, he became an Advisor at the Nomura Institute of Capital Markets Research. In 2014, he was appointed President of the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR), and in 2024, he became Senior Advisor of CLAIR.

北畑 隆生Takao Kitabata
President of Kaishi Professional University
Former Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
After attending Mita Gakuen High School and graduating from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo, he joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) in 1972. In 2002, he was appointed Director-General of the Minister's Secretariat at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In 2004, he became Director-General of the Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, and in 2006, he was promoted to Vice Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. He retired in 2008.
After retiring, he held various positions, including Special Advisor at Nippon Life Insurance Company (Oct. 2008 - Sep. 2010), Outside Director at Kobe Steel, Ltd. (Jun. 2010 - Jun. 2022), Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member at Marubeni Corporation (Jun. 2010 - Jun. 2013), Outside Director at Marubeni Corporation (Jun. 2013 - Jun. 2022), Chairman of the Board of Trustees at Mita Gakuen Educational Foundation (Jun. 2013 - Mar. 2019), Principal of Mita Gakuen Junior and Senior High School (Apr. 2014 - Mar. 2015), and Chairman of the Board of Directors at Kobe Steel, Ltd. (Jun. 2019 - Jun. 2022).
Currently, he serves as an Outside Director at Zeon Corporation (since Jun. 2014), Seiren Co., Ltd. (since Jun. 2014), and Miroku Jyoho Service Co., Ltd. (since Jun. 2022).

松山 健士Kenji Matsuyama
President, Economic and Social Systems Research Institute / Former Vice Minister of the Cabinet Office
After graduating from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tokyo, he joined the Economic Planning Agency. After serving as a section chief and councilor, he was involved in policy planning, primarily in the economic and fiscal policy division of the Cabinet Office. During this time, he also participated in the establishment of the Consumer Affairs Agency. From 2014 to 2016, he served as Vice Minister of the Cabinet Office.
After retiring from public service, he served as an advisor to the Japan Research Institute and is currently the President of the Institute for Social and Economic Systems. Additionally, he has served as an advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Cabinet Office. At the Institute for Social and Economic Systems, he promotes research and policy recommendations aimed at realizing "Well-Being Capitalism," which seeks to create both social and economic value through a sustainable society and natural environment.

南川 秀樹Hideki Minamikawa
President, Japan Environmental Sanitation Center / Former Vice Minister of the Environment
Graduated from Yokkaichi High School in Mie Prefecture and Nagoya University, Faculty of Economics. Joined the Environmental Agency in 1974, seconded to the OECD from 1977 to 1978, dispatched to the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy of MITI from 1980 to 1982. Served in various roles in the Ministry of the Environment, including Director-General of the Waste and Recycling Department, Director-General of the Nature Conservation Bureau, Director-General of the Global Environment Bureau, and Vice Minister of the Environment. Retired in July 2013. Served as an advisor to the Ministry of the Environment (Fukushima) before resigning in February 2014. Appointed as President of the Japan Environmental Sanitation Center in 2014 (current position). Guest Professor at Tokyo University of Economics (2014.4-2018.3), Waseda University (2014.4-2018.3), and Yokohama National University (2015.4-2018.3). International Member of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development since 2017. Received the "Friendship Award" from the Chinese government in September 2019.Key responsibilities as Vice Minister: Disaster waste management after the Great East Japan Earthquake, decontamination of radioactive materials released due to the TEPCO nuclear accident, planning of nuclear regulatory organizations, international coordination on global warming, and policy planning for decarbonization both domestically and internationally.Publications: "Introduction to Waste Administration," "Japan's Experience - The Path to Environmental Improvement" (in Chinese).Hobbies: Long-distance running, swimming, and reading classical literature extensively.