Become a Member

New Membership

If you are interested in newly joining the Resource Recycling Council, please fill out the required information in the application form below. Companies and organizations that express agreement with the council’s purpose of activities can join free of charge as an “Approval Member.” In addition to receiving RRC Magazine (information related to resource recycling), Approval Members also receive invitations to events and seminars as opportunities to network with various stakeholders involved in resource recycling.
Click here to apply for Approval Membership.

If you wish to collaborate in a working group, please consider joining as a “Regular Member.” For details on Regular Member and other membership types, please see below.
Click here for membership type page

Approval Member Application FormApproval Member

“Approval Member” refers to companies, organizations, or individuals who express agreement with the purpose of the council’s activities.

    Required Company Name / Organization Name

    *If you are an individual, please enter "-" (hyphen).

    Optional l Date of Establishment of the Company/Organization

    Required Name of Representative

    *If you are an individual, please enter your name.

    Required Full Name(Pronunciation)

    *If you are an individual, please enter your name (furigana).

    Optional Representative Date of Birth

    Required Department name and position of the person in charge (contact point with the secretariat)

    *If you are an individual, please enter "-" (hyphen).

    RequiredName of Contact Person

    *If you are an individual, please enter "-" (hyphen).

    Required Name of Contact Person(Pronunciation)

    *If you are an individual, please enter "-" (hyphen).

    RequiredContact Information of the Person in Charge (Email Address)

    *If you are an individual, please enter your contact information (email address).

    Required Person in charge contact information (phone number)

    ※ with hyphens and in half-width characters

    *If you are an individual, please enter your contact information (phone number).

    RequiredEmail address for receiving newsletters from the association.

    RequiredPostal Code

    ※ Half-width numbers

    Required Country

    Required Address

    Optional Building name, room number, etc.

    Optional company name/organization name, department name, etc.

    Required membership requirements 2

    Required About posting logos, etc. on arbitrary home pages

    If you would like us to use your logo and name (company name/organization name) on our website, public relations activities, etc., please provide us with the following two items.
    *The only supported file formats for logo data are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif. Please upload the logo data without any white space around it.

    logo data

    URL of the homepage linked from the logo

    If you have any questions or concerns, please write them down.

    About admission screening

    When applying for membership, we will review your application based on the information you enter.
    Please note that it may take some time for approval.

    For details regarding membership enrollment, please refer to the following regulations.

    ※Please note that sponsor/Observer are not subject to the membership regulations or membership fee regulations.