Privacy Policy
The Japan Resource Circulation Promotion Council (hereinafter referred to as "the council") recognizes the importance of protecting personal and confidential corporate information ("personal information, etc.") and considers it a critical social responsibility. Accordingly, we have established the following privacy policy and will manage personal information appropriately based on these principles.
1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Our council complies with the Personal Information Protection Law, the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and other related laws and guidelines when handling personal information.
2. Proper Collection and Use of Personal Information
We collect personal information through lawful and fair means.We use personal information only within the scope of clearly defined purposes and as necessary for business operations.
3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
3. Purposes of Personal Information Use
- 〇 To conduct activities of the council, including meetings, events, and seminars
- 〇 To announce and manage co-hosted or sponsored meetings, events, and seminars
- 〇 To conduct surveys and other research for the operation of the council
- 〇 To facilitate information exchange between the council and its members
- 〇 For member management
- 〇 For other related administrative purposes
4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We do not provide personal information to third parties without prior consent, except when required by law or upon legal request from administrative bodies or courts.
5. Ensuring Accuracy and Security of Personal Information
To ensure the accuracy and security of personal information, we implement security management measures, including information security measures, and strive to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information.
6. Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
For inquiries regarding the handling of personal information or other questions, please contact us at the following address.
Secretariat of Resource Recycling Council
Toho Hibiya Building 15F, 1-2-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
7. Changes to the Privacy Policy
Any changes to the handling of personal information, its intended use, or other aspects of our privacy policy will be announced through updates to this page.The revised privacy policy will take effect from the date it is updated on our website.
Established on August 30, 2023